Saturday, 28 February 2009

Rimmel 60 second Nail Polish

Hey guys,
Firstly - I've made the photos larger as I think the size I've been using is a little too small - let me know, yay or nay in the comments!
Onto the review -
I'm a nail polish whore, seriously.
Name a brand - I've tried it.
I also as a general rule hate Rimmel cosmetics. Everything I've tried by them has been rubbish and I've ended up giving it away or chucking it.
Until now.
Meet my new nail polish cheapy love - Rimmel 60 seconds :
First off the price is fantastic . Courtesy of the VAT cut making prices a little random - they now retail for £2.92
Cheaper than anything else I have, even cheaper than Barry M.
Colour selection is again - fantastic. Every colour under the sun in this collection. I picked up sunrise (guess which out the 3 that is) and then picked up funtime fuchsia and twinkle after I was impressed with that one. They have a lot of neon, summery colours that i'll no doubt pick up as well.
Lasting power - they're cheap. So you can't expect Essie/OPI - up to a week magic (although is it just me or are the new OPI collections not as good quality - they seem to be chipping a lot faster than the older ones) - I've had twinkle on for 3 days and one nail has chipped so I'm going to say 2-4 days.
This is still better for me than Barry M - or the most awful polish ever - Boots No7.
Brush? Pretty average. I don't know what the old shape was like, as they seem to be promoting this brush as new and improved but it just looks like your average one to me!
Overall - this range is LOVE.
Chica's rating out of 10:8
Tried it? Let me know!

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