Saturday, 28 February 2009

Chanel Rouge Allure Lipstick

Review as promised!

If for some reason the world was a horrible place where I had to pick only one item of make up I could use for the rest of my life and everything else was binned - lipstick would be my choice. Over mascara, eyeliner, foundation, blusher - yes. Lipstick is my favourite.
I've always been put off getting Chanel lipstick as it seems so overpriced - £19.11 for one lipstick just seems so much when MAC are only £11 and there are such good drugstore options like Boots 17, Maybelline, NYX e.t.c
Once you've tried them though - oooh. So lush. The texture is really buttery and doesn't dry your lips at all. The colour selection is gorgeous, all the shades are wearable and work- friendly.
The highlight for me?
Whilst drugstore brands offer good colour selections and are great for purse-friendly options, they don't last. One sip of diet coke and adios.
I put this one on before I went to work yesterday (about 7am) and by lunch time - a bottle of water later - still there. More faint obviously but still visible.
Woohoo! No need to reapply.
Pigmentation - good, colour looks on exactly as it does in the tube. I hate sheer lipsticks, what's the point?
With gloss -

Chica's rating out of 10:9

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