Sunday, 28 December 2008

Barry M Dazzle Dusts

Apologies for not posting proper photos at the moment, my camera is dead :*( I'm planning on buying a new one some time this month while the sales are on and then there'll be photos everywhere!

Review on Barry M dazzle dusts :)

Cost: £4.50 each
Availability:, Superdrug & selected Boots shops
£££saver: Superdrug quite often have discounts on Barry M - the usual one is 3 dazzle dusts for £10 which I usually see offered once every couple of months (great time to stock up)
Pros: extremely pigmented, last a long time with a base, easy to blend
Cons:crease very quickly without a base, as these are loose there is a lot of fall out
Chica's rating out of 10:10

I personally prefer these to MAC pigments - obviously there is a price difference and the reason no doubt is the amount of product..but who uses a whole MAC pigment?!
The easiest way to get round the fall out issue is to apply your eye shadow first, then do your foundation and blush afterwards.

x x

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I love Barry M!!! They are amazing, as fine glitter dust!

